13390 Yonge Street, Unit 7, Richmond Hill, Ontario,


Richmond Hill School Programs

Covid-19 Self Assessment

Dear parents, Please read through the Covid-19 Self Assessment Test daily to make sure you and your child are feeling well prior to coming to the centre. We are screening everyone daily with a temperature check prior to entering the centre. If you answer “yes”, to any of the following questions you are not allowed to bring in your child, even if symptoms resemble a mild cold. Symptoms to look for include but are not limited to: fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, nasal congestion, headache, and a general feeling of being unwell. Our number one job is to keep all children and staff safe and healthy. This is why we ask that you follow public health protocols so we can keep our centre a safe place. Thank You!

For more information, please see the symptoms outlined in the ‘COVID-19 Reference Document for Symptoms’ on the Ministry of Health’s COVID-19 website.

Daily Self Assessment Test for Parents and Child

Are you currently experiencing any of these issues? Call 911 if you are.

Severe difficulty breathing
(struggling for each breath, can only speak in single words)

Severe chest pain
(constant tightness or crushing sensation)

Feeling confused or unsure of where you are

Losing consciousness


Are you currently experiencing any of these symptoms? Choose any/all that apply.

Fever (feeling hot to the touch, a temperature of 37.8 degrees Celsius or higher)


Cough that’s new or worsening

Barking cough, this could be a whistling noise when breathing (croup)

Shortness of breath (out of breath, unable to breathe deeply)

Sore throat

Difficulty swallowing

Stuffy or congested nose (not related to seasonal allergies or other known causes or   conditions)

Lost sense of taste or smell

Headache that’s unusual or long lasting

Digestive issues (nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain)

Muscle aches

Extreme tiredness

Falling down often

For young children and infants: sluggishness or lack of appetite

None of the above

Are you in any of these at-risk groups?

  • 70 years old or older
  • getting treatment that compromises (weakens) your immune system
    (for example, chemotherapy, medication for transplants, corticosteroids, TNF inhibitors)
  • having a condition that compromises (weakens) your immune system
    (for example, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, other autoimmune disorder)
  • having a chronic (long-lasting) health condition
    (for example, diabetes, emphysema, asthma, heart condition)
  • regularly going to a hospital or health care setting for a treatment
    (for example, dialysis, surgery, cancer treatment)

            YES/ NO

In the last 14 days, have you been in close physical contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19?

Close physical contact means:

  • being less than 2 metres away in the same room, workspace, or area for over 15 minutes
  • living in the same home


In the last 14 days, have you been in close physical contact with a person who either:

• is currently sick with a new cough, fever, or difficulty breathing?


• returned from outside of Canada in the last 2 weeks?

Close physical contact means:

  • being less than 2 metres away in the same room, workspace, or area for over 15 minutes
  • living in the same home


Have you travelled outside of Canada in the last 14 days?


Health and Safety Protocols

Health and Wellness Policy

Play Island Explorers Health and Wellness Policy continues to apply during a pandemic or communicable disease outbreak, however, additional restrictions may apply, based on government licensing officer directions. This may include, but is not limited to, extending our required at-home “symptom free” time period following any symptoms or requiring children with symptoms – even if they are feeling well and have plenty of energy – to remain at home. Any temporary changes to our health and wellness policy during a pandemic / outbreak will be communicated in writing, via email, and will link to the authorized source of information that our temporary change is based on.


Additional sanitizing, cleaning, & hand-washing procedures:

We follow strict hand-washing guidelines for both children and staff.

Our program engages in frequent hand-washing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds at the following times:
at the start of the day and at the end of the day
after going to the washroom
before eating
and after eating
after getting their
hands dirty
after coughing, sneezing, using a tissue, and blowing nose

Play Island Explorers staff will help young children to ensure hand-washing is done correctly. However, if their hands are not visibly dirty, we may use an alcohol-based hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol should soap and water not be readily available.

Cleaning and Disinfecting of the Space, Toys, and Equipment

Play Island Explorers Child Care engages in frequent thorough cleaning every day, using routine practices that follow regulations for cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting. Our staff team routinely clean all surfaces and objects that are frequently touched, especially toys and games. This includes surfaces such as doorknobs, light switches, toilet and faucet handles, electronic devices, and tabletops, chairs, and playground structures.
In between our programs, we have a 2 ½ hour gap before the afterschool children arrive, during this time our staff sanitize all toys, & equipment that was used during our morning program, and is be ready for the next group in the afternoon.


All plush toys have been removed from the centre, children’s personal toys are no longer allowed within the centre. Toys that cannot be cleaned and sanitized are not to be used.
Our toy & equipment sanitizing method is as follows: Clean with soap and water, rinse, sanitize, rinse again, and air-dry.

Group Sensory play items are not used at this time, including; play dough, sand and sensory tables, as these items cannot be easily disinfected. Individual sensory play is added with their own play dough, water tray etc.

Illness Policy

Children may not attend Play Island Explorers programs if they exhibit any symptoms of respiratory illness, fever, or other illnesses. There are no exceptions to this illness policy. Children who are not well enough to participate in the normal daily program or who have an infectious disease must remain at home.

Should your child become ill or staff feels that the child cannot participate in our regular routine, including outdoor play, we will ask that you pick up your child immediately. In the event that you cannot be reached by our staff, we will contact the alternate person to pick up your child. Please ensure that someone is available at all times in case of an emergency.

Children cannot attend child care programs while they have any of the following symptoms:
Unusual, unexplained loss of appetite, fatigue, irritability, or headache
Eye infections
Unexplained rashes or any rash that is not confirmed by doctor to be non-contagious known or suspected communicable diseases
Ear infection
Temperature, forehead 38 + / 100.5 + (Fever)
nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea in the last 48 hours

Any child, parent, staff or visitor must not enter the child care space if they are sick, even if symptoms resemble a mild cold.
Symptoms to look for include:
Shortness of breath
Runny nose
Sore throat
Nasal congestion

A general feeling of being unwell

Children who have, or children with others living in the same home who have been identified as at-risk of potential Covid-19 exposure may return after self-isolating for 14 days and being symptom free.

*Note, this does not apply to health care providers. In the event that the person in the home is a health care provider, this only applies in the event that the person who is a health care provider has been directed to self-isolate due to possible exposure or symptoms.

Symptom May return when
Temperature of 100 F / 37.8 C or higher (orally)
or 99 F / 37.2 C or higher (under the arm)
May return to child care after 5 days and 48
hours symptom free; or following a negative Covid-19
test and 48 hours symptom free.
Cough May return to child care after 5 days and 48
hours symptom free; or following a negative Covid-19
test and 48 hours symptom free
Sore throat May return to child care after 5 days and 48
hours symptom free; or following a negative Covid-19
test and 48 hours symptom free.
Difficulty breathing or wheezing May return to child care after 5 days and 48
hours symptom free; or following a negative Covid-19
test and 48 hours symptom free.
Unexplained fatigue, aches or cold/flu-like
May return to child care after 5 days and 48
hours symptom free; or following a negative Covid-19
test and 48 hours symptom free.
Sinus congestion May return to child care after 5 days and 48
hours symptom free; or following a negative Covid-19
test and 48 hours symptom free.
Children who have, or children with others living
in the same home who have just returned from
international travel
May return after self-isolating for 5 days and being
symptom free
Children who have, or children with others living
in the same home who have been identified as at-risk
of potential Covid19 exposure
May return after self-isolating for 5 days and being
symptom free. *Note, this does not apply to
health care providers. In the event that the person
in the home is a health care provider, this only
applies in the event that the person who is a health
care provider has been directed to self-isolate due
to possible exposure or symptoms.

What happens if a child exhibits symptoms of COVID-19?

If a child develops symptoms while at Play Island Explorers the child will be isolated in a separate area. Parents will be notified to come and pick up the child immediately. Parents or guardians will then need to contact your local public health units or the child’s physician for direction, if required.

What we will do if there is a potential case of, or suspected exposure to, COVID-19 at our workplace?

There are steps that we will need to take if a child or staff workers has symptoms which may be related to COVID-19, or is diagnosed with COVID-19:

Step 1: Exclude symptomatic child/staff workers from the workplace

If a child/staff worker calls in sick or informs us of symptoms, or close contact with someone with symptoms, we will have them take the self-assessment.  We will ask the child/staff worker to follow any recommendations given by the tool, including being tested and self-isolating.

If a child/staff worker shows symptoms in the centre, they should return home and self-isolate immediately. If the child/ staff worker cannot leave immediately, they should be isolated until they are able to leave. The child/staff worker will be separated from the rest of the group in a separate room/space away from others until they are picked up.

If the child/staff worker is very ill, we will call 911 and let the operator know that the person may have COVID-19.

We will ask the parent of the child/staff worker to contact their doctor or Telehealth Ontario at Toll-free: 1-866-797-0000 for further directions about testing and self-isolation.

Step 2: Contact Public Health

Immediately contact your local public health unit for guidance on next steps. Public health will provide instructions and do contact tracing if needed.

To support contact tracing, we will have a system in place so we can provide information about which people had close interactions with an affected child/ staff worker. This will include information such as:

  • date and approximate length and frequency of interaction
  • full names
  • contact telephone numbers
  • addresses (for workers) or the name of the visitor’s business

Step 3: Follow Public Health Guidance

Your local public health unit may require that:

  • other children/workers who were exposed are notified and sent home to self-isolate, self-monitor and report any possible COVID-19 symptoms
  • the workplace be shut down while the affected workplace or area and equipment are disinfected
  • other public health measures are implemented

We will disinfect surfaces that may have been touched by the ill child/staff worker as soon as possible.

Self-isolation and Return-to-Work

Public health may require self-isolation for a minimum of 14 days for workers with symptoms, and for those who have had close contact with an individual with symptoms or a confirmed diagnosis.

Symptomatic workers may need to self-isolate for longer based on the advice of public health or their health care provider.

Daily Safety and Health Prevention

Staff will employ all necessary actions to limit the spread of COVID- 19. Some of these actions & policies are already part of the quality care provided through our programs. However, special attention will be paid to ensuring they are followed at this time.

Contact Information

Centre Landline: 905-773-6677

Email: info@playislandexplorers.ca

Before and After School

Arrival & Departure Procedures


Upon arrival at our front doors, all individuals including children attending child care, staff and child care providers, parents/guardians, and visitors will be screened each day before entering the child care setting. Children will walk-in one at a time after being screened outside by the front door before entering the centre. On our website we posted our self- assessment test. This self-assessment test must be done every morning prior to arrival at the centre, staff will ask the parent verbally to confirm test has been done, and that child has no symptoms to date, then the child will have a no contact temperature check and will be documented in our daily attendance log. If the child has a temperature, they must be taken home and remain home, as per the illness policy above. Once they are clear the child will say good bye to their parent/guardians at the door, and will go with the staff on duty to their cubbies, and designated area. 

The children will have their designated spots for their personal belongings.
Indoor shoes are mandatory and will be kept at the centre.
Each child will then be directed to wash their hands before entering the classroom.


The children will be social distancing as best we can throughout their care. The children/staff will be wearing face masks/coverings when at the centre and working in small groups on activities to try to minimize the spread of illness.

After school, these procedures will be repeated by Play Island Explorers staff with your child.

After School Pick Up:

Upon arrival at our front doors, parents will wait outside the front doors and the staff on duty will call your child, they will wash their hands or use hand sanitizer, grab their belongings and will be brought outside to the front to their parent/guardians.


The children will be social distancing as best we can throughout their care. The children/staff will be wearing face masks/coverings when at the centre and working in small groups on activities to try to minimize the spread of illness.

We ask that the children are picked up no later than 6:00 pm.

Late fees will be charged at a rate of $1 per minute if you are late picking up your child. If you personally cannot make it by 6:30 pm, then please contact the centre letting us know who will be picking up your child by closing.

Preschool Arrival:

Upon arrival at our front doors, all individuals including children attending child care, staff and child care providers, parents/guardians, and visitors will be screened each day before entering the child care setting. Children will walk-in one at a time after being screened outside by the front door before entering the centre. On our website we posted our self- assessment test. This self-assessment test must be done every morning prior to arrival at the centre, staff will ask the parent verbally to confirm test has been done, and that child has no symptoms to date, then the child will have a no contact temperature check and will be documented in our daily attendance log. If the child has a temperature, they must be taken home and remain home, as per the illness policy above. Once they are clear the child will say good bye to their parent/guardians at the door, and will go with the staff on duty to their cubbies, and designated area. 

The children will have their designated spots for their personal belongings.
Indoor shoes are mandatory and will be kept at the centre.
Each child will then be directed to wash their hands before entering the classroom.

The children will be social distancing as best we can throughout their care. The staff will be wearing face masks/coverings when at the centre and working in small groups on activities to try to minimize the spread of illness.

Preschool Pick Up:

At the end of our day, parents will wait outside the front doors and a staff member will open the front door, children will be lined up and will be dismissed one at a time to their parent or guardian.


Centre Hours

Before/After School Care Operating hours: 7:00am -9am, 3- 6:00pm Monday to Friday
Preschool Operating hours: 9:00am – 12:00pm, or 9:00-3:00pm Monday to Friday

Preschool class Closed for Elementary school PA Day’s, Winter Break and March Break for our full day program for ages 4-12. If your child is in our preschool class and is already 4, they can participate in our full day programs with an additional fee.

Scheduled Staff Shifts

To minimize the spread of COVID-19 in our centre, we have scheduled to only have two staff workers on shift at a time.

Rescheduling or cancellation of pre-planned group events and in-person meetings

When rescheduling or cancellation of pre-planned group events, and in person meetings, all parents will receive an email from the director for any changes, and instructions on what the next steps will follow.

A Non-biased, Inclusive Approach

Fear-based responses in times of a pandemic or communicable disease, have historically led to actions stemming from bias and self-protective measures. Not only can these measures lead to conflict between parents, child care educators, and community members, but they can also lead to actions rooted in racism. Play Island Explorers Childcare has an inclusive-based approach and works to be a safe space for all families and children; we will not allow acts of racism or discrimination towards any parent, child, employee, or community member. Any such acts may be subject to an immediate dismissal from our program.